#0791 Le Mans 24 Hours 1952
#0791 Le Mans 24 Hours 1952
#21 Mercedes 300SLR
Herman Lang and Fritz Riess
1st place overall, 1st place in S 3.0 category
#25 Aston Martin DB3 Coupe
Lance Macklin and Peter Collins
#1 Cunningham C4-R
Briggs Cunningham / Bill Spear
4th place overall, 1st place in S 8.0 category
#6 Talbot Lago T26GS
André Chambas / André Morel
9th place overall, 1st place in SS/C category
#14 Ferrari 340 America Berlinetta
Andre Simon / Lucien Vincent
5th place overall, 2nd place in S 5.0 category
You have to have a lot of enthusiasm to want to conquer Le Mans. As a driver, as a designer and especially if you want to be both. Some people have dedicated their lives, or at least a large part, to this goal. Jean Rondeau succeeded in the fairy tale in 1980. Briggs Cunningham tried his own construction as early as 1951, after paving the way for recognition by the ACO in 1950 with two Cadillacs and the two Collier brothers as mental companions. After the C2R, which Cunningham used in 1951 with not too much success, he became class winner and fourth overall in the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1952 with the C4R. Mercedes won the race in 1952 with the 300 SL after Pierre Levegh had led Talbot by 23 hours. Third was the Nash-Healey of the two Englishmen Leslie Johnson and Tommy Wisdom, ten laps ahead of Briggs Cunningham and Bill Spear. The C4R relegated numerous well-known teams and brands to places: Ferrari, Lancia, Allard, Porsche, Aston Martin, Panhard, Gordini, Jowett, Osca and Renault.